Latest News
The Potter Pulse!
Winter 2024 - Volume 7
Hello Potter Nation,
Because you have an email on file with ELHSAA, you are the first to see the attached newsletter, titled The Potter Pulse. We hope you enjoy it!
Please use the QR codes and links in the newsletter if you would like to donate, or print the newsletter and use the form on the back page.
Fellow Potters!
The ELHS Alumni Association Building needs some repairs and upgrades.
We would like to remove dead bushes, plant some new bushes, add landscaping rocks instead of mulch, and replace 8 lights in the Clock Tower plus do some general maintenance. The total needed is $2000.

The East Liverpool High School Aluumni Association is a registered 501(C)(3) non-profit organization made up entirely of volunteers. Your donations are tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law. If you make a donation, please request a receipt via email or our contact page.